Cheap Train Tickets to Stansted

Cheap Train Tickets to Stansted

Save up to 80% when you buy you train ticket from

You might already know that buying a rail ticket in advance could make you great savings, however did you know that these tickets often sell out quicker than a One Direction concert?  You need to look twelve weeks ahead and get your tickets then and there or you could find yourself paying full price.

We’ve got access to all cheapest advance fares on the market so use our best fare finder widget to see how much money you could save.

In most cases, you will have booked your flight from Stansted more than twelve weeks ahead so you will be in a good position to book your connecting train ticket well in advance as well.

The Stansted Express is the main rail link between the airport and London with a journey time of 47 minutes.

Whilst standard class is great value for money, comfortable and adequate, you might be surprised how affordable it can be to upgrade to first class. With extra-large seats providing more leg room and space and an at seat trolley service offering complementary drinks, it’s a great way to kick start your travels.  Throw in entry into one of their award winning lounges in both the airport and train station plus an airport fast track security pass and you really will be grateful for the advanced ticket booking making the upgrade affordable.

If the idea of sitting back and relaxing is not your cup of tea, why not embark on a little shopping spree.  With top designer brands as well as well-known high street names, you will be spoilt for choice.  And don’t worry about how much you buy, you can use Stansted’s ‘shop and collect’ service and pick up all your purchases from one location point when you get back from your travels.

Remember that it’s worth seeing if your ticket price can be reduced even further by splitting the journey up  or buying single tickets. A little bit of effort, yes, but it can pay off.

Advance tickets are only valid for the date and train they are booked for.  These train tickets are non-refundable but can be amended before departure.

For more information on amending your Advance ticket see Refunds and Amendments(please also see the Advance Tickets Terms and Conditions)

For more ways on how to get cheap train tickets for Stansted from any other train station, including all the cheapest Advance fares see how to save money when travelling by train. See also off peak fares.

*Savings are based on the cheapest available Advance fare compared with buying a ticket at the station for the same train on the day of travel.

* Savings not available on all routes. Savings only available on Advance fares.

† Fares sourced from Prices based on cheapest available one way Standard Class Advance ticket, excluding booking fees. Prices are based on payment with a debit card and ticket collection from the station. Saving calculated against cheapest fare available on the day.